Saturday, September 04, 2004


Today I've lost my dear cousin brother. He passed on right after Subuh at hospital. I received the bad news from my cousin sister, Ella.

For the past three months, he suffered from cancer which has spread to his lungs. His stage was critical and there's nothing much the doctors could do. Yet he and his family did not give up hope. But Allah love him more. He passed away peacefully. He left behind his dear wife and 4 beautiful children. They are so young. I couldn't hold my tears when I looked at them. But I am proud of his wife. She is such a strong woman as she somehow knew this was expected to happen. She was prepared for it. There's nothing much I could say to her when I hugged her just now. But I knew she need the moral support and I would be right there for her.

To my dear cousin, BabyHD, you have to be strong too. You have to "redha" and let him go to his destination. Life has to go on dear. I'm here for you if you need me, you know that. We have gone through so much together and I know you are a strong person. Let us pray May Allah grant your brother forgiveness, bless his soul and give him the highest of Jannah. I pray that may Allah give you and your family courage and strength. And may Allah protect his wife and chilren. Ameen.....

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