Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Can Live Without It

Without realizing, I have not been online for almost 2 weeks.

I did not check my email.

I did not log on to my Facebook, Multiply and Flickr account.

I did not update my blog.

I did not on my PC at all.

And who says I cannot live without internet?

During those days, I kept myself occupied with other things. I have three children having exams. My youngest two children have long completed their exams, left with my eldest, which her last paper will be on 3rd November. Waiting for all the exams to be over is such an agony. And I foresee my anxiety will increase again while waiting for their results.

I pray for the best for all my three children. I believe that Allah is with them.


Anonymous said...

good for you :)

Anonymous said...

I doubt I can live without the net. I can stay away a while, but not forever I guess. But two weeks is something! Kudos sis!