Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Blessings We Have

I always believe that when Allah took away a pleasure from me, He will replace with more pleasures later. There's always a blessing in disguise.

In this economy downturn, my family is somehow affected. Hubby's company now practices a 4-days work week to all the staff. I was worried actually, but all I said was "Alhamdulillah". At that time, I did not see the blessing behind that.

Now I see a clearer picture. Allah closed a door yet opened up more doors for us. With a 4-days work, Hubby now can spend more quality time with us. It's like we are having a long weekend as Hubby only works from Mondays to Fridays. He can perform his Friday prayers in peace without rushing off to work after that. He can go to JB to fill up petrol. He can help me around in the house.

We have the intention to train our almost-six-year-old son to perform his Friday prayers. Affandy school ends at 12.30 pm and his school is so near to Masjid An-Nur. Hubby can just pick him up and go direct to the mosque with his son. But we know that this intention is going to take sometime to happen. Affandy still having this "separation anxiety" and the person he wants to see right after school is ME. We are trying out best to coax him slowly and hopefully he will be ready to follow his Abah to Friday prayers soon.

Another blessing is that every Saturday is like a holiday for our family. Saturday is totally a family quality bonding time. We bring our children out and we just have our fun. What makes it more fun is that, my kitchen is always closed on weekends :D. Hubby and I did not see our children for the whole month of December, now we realize that how much our children have grown. These are the moments we need to treasure.

Right after we fetch our girls from their madrasah every Sunday morning, we are in time to attend our Kuliah Dhuha with Ustaz Shafi at Masjid An-Nur. We have our lunch after the Kuliah and again we will think of a plan for our next destination.

Allah arranges everything so nicely for us. Alhamdulillah.

Then came another blessing. We had heard about it before we went to Hajj but we did not put high hope on it. We leave it to Allah. But Allah wants it to happen and we have only Allah to thank. Hubby has been promoted to senior position and will receive a pay rise. All these blessings come from Allah. We receive with open heart and arms. Alhamdulillah.


Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah, kita tumpang gembira... congratulations on Mr Beki's promotion :)

mmg rezki namanya ni ... bukan saja dari segi kewangan tapi masa :))

miss awak ... bila leh jumpa ni??? *hugs*

Aryna said...

Alhamdulillah....thank you Busu.

Miss u too. InsyaAllah...I'm just a phone call away... :)

Salha said...

Hope it's not too late to congratulate Mr Beki. ....Congrats Bro!

Alhamdullilah sis, rezeki.