Wednesday, July 14, 2004

What's The Menu?

Everyday and everynight, I have to think and think and think...what should I cook for the family? Even though dear hubby is not fussy, still I want to prepare a good meal for him and my kids. But sometimes, I really don't have a clue what to cook.

Life was easier when before I became a stay at home mum. I don't have to worry about the menu, cause it was all being taken care of. I used to send my girls to their baby-sitter just the next few blocks away from mine. This generous and beautiful lady, which my girls call her "Ibu", will prepare for me and hubby dinner. She is a very good cook. She said she didn't charge for the food as she always cook extra. But I insisted paying her for the food. And the menu changed everyday. Even weekend, she would send her boys to deliver the dishes to my house. Isn't she sweet?

But that was last I'm on my own. Got to crack my brain to think of the dishes to prepare. Sometimes I refer to the recipes book that I have (a lot of them), but still couldn't decide. I always have to cook two dishes - one for me and hubby, and the other for the kids. Dishes for kids would always be soup, lemak, kicap, bening, soup, lemak, kicap, bening ...sampai I naik jelak nak masak! Luckily, the kids never complaints.

Today, I decided to cook Ayam Briyani and Fishball + Cauliflower + Tomato Soup. That's it! But tomorrow.......?