Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Yesterday I visited all my bloggers website....majority of them change their layout. Rajin benar semua orang ni. I also feel like changing but...I can't let go of this existing one. I love this skin so much and PINK is my favourite colour. Maybe next time, if I have the time. Maybe the base colour will still be pink. Maybe I won't change. Maybe.....

By the way, my girls' ex-babysitter "borrowed" Afiqah today. She misses my girls so much. Too bad Afrina was not around and she is still schooling. Maybe in school holidays, she will take them both. I felt pity for her. She is lonely as all her three sons have grown up. The youngest is in Sec 4. The eldest will be getting married soon and she is a widower. She doesn't mind if I leave my kids with her if I have errands to do. But I feel that it's not right to bother her anymore. Maybe next time.... Maybe.....

Today for iftar, I planned to make tahu goreng. Already bought the tahu, only need to make the sauce. Me today very the lazy and very the selenge tau. I bought a packet of sauce which stated there, "Sambal Jenganan untuk Tahu Goreng". So being lazy, I thought just pour water and the sauce will be ready. But I read again, there's a small print said "Instant grounded peanut". Lah..... Ingatkan sauce instant, rupanya nak kena siapkan bahan-bahan lain. Ini cuma kacang tanah aje. Upset betollah!! So maybe I will prepare the sauce. Maybe I will just buy foods from Vista Point. Maybe...

Berapa banyak maybe dah.......

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