Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Wow! So fast it's the second week of school holidays. So far so good, except for some mischievous act by the two smaller kids. I still can survive!


"Rewang" at my mum's place as she was the caterer for my cousin's solemnization on Saturday. Potong bawang, potong cili, kopek kentang, potong paru and hati etc. Penat seh! Slept over at my mum's as she need extra helping hand.


Sent the lauks to my cousin's place at Sembawang. Ran here and there, up and down to help out. Berpeluh-peluh! Went back almost to midnight.


Not as busy but still berpeluh-peluh, due to the hot weather. The wedding went smoothly. I was the last to leave my aunt's place, so apa lagi....tapau lah lauk pauk, kuih muih, kropok krepek dan macam-macam lagi. Best in the world!


Almost overslept. Sent the girls to their ngaji class. Hubby was on leave. So we went to update Affandy's photo for his passport. There was 207 queues in front of us!! Waited for more than two hours just to update the photo. What a waste of time!

We went to Tanjong Katong Complex to buy MIL's birthday present. It's coming soon. Thought of buying for myself, but...takpelah. Next time can return back to shop again. *Bila tu agaknye..*


Yahooooo!!! I had grooving good time yesterday!!

Sent Afrina to her swimming lesson in the morning, had lunch at Causeway Point with the kids and went back.

Afternoon, met her, her and her for bowling game at Bukit Panjang Plaza. Also met her for the first time. It's been ages since I last played. My score did not even reach 100! Maybe my hand dah kaku or blame it on the ball *wink at her*.

Have late lunch with them, then they brought me to take LRT. *blushed* My first trip boarding the LRT. Cannot blame me what...Mana ada LRT kat Woodlands!

I really had fun, looking forward for next week!

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