Wednesday, March 28, 2007


The perils of being a woman......

I have to do something to control my anger during PMS. I think it has come to a dangerous stage where I have no idea what's got into me!

I get iritated simply over a small tiny matter.......

I flare up so easily....

I snap at my the extent that I even hit them.

I don't remember being like this few years back.

Someone recommended me to take Evening Primrose. I did. Well, it do helps to balance up my hormones, but it makes me put on extra weight.

So I stop.

Now I just can't wait for the "red days" to come and be over with, so that I won't infuriate any further.

In the meantime, don't come near, I'll BITE!!!


NoR said...

relax beb..relax..
aku pon tengah tunggu redlight ni..but somehow, it helps that my dh is in town tis wk, if not i'll go bonker ! :P

spidey said...

"In the meantime, don't come near, I'll BITE!!!
takut beta!!!

Lady_A said...

relax ummi....

Mak Ngah said...

Mak Ngah ingat masa uzur tulah, masa rehat kita orang pompuan,relax.. jgn banyak cakap, banyak berzikir, tak boleh solatkan, anak bujang mak ngah jealuous tau..., aku kata, korang nak uzur, nanti dah kahwin, korang cuba yg beranak.. hehehe! (tak censored mak ngah ni...)

TheBlurQueen said...

salam maulidur rasul to u & family!! :)

ME said...

jgn stress lah ummi, relax k..

Evening primrose oil is very good actually. u makan time red light aje lah and its good for ur skins too!

sabar je lah ummi yer, bawak bertenang jgn bertendang pulak..

Aliyah said...

ummi...i've been taking evening primrose but never put on weight lei. i agree skin is better and the hormones are in better control. i took brand - super

try lah ;-)

Hestia said...

Take care sis!