Friday, April 25, 2008

Another Day

ALLAH is kind to me.

He gives the taste of being sick since yesterday, But I am grateful for that.

I can still presume my normal routine chores.

I pray. I do laundry. I cook. I vacuum the house. I change the carpet. I even got the strength to sit in front of the PC.

HE makes me fall sick, and I shall go to HIM for prescription.



Anonymous said...

meowww meowww..nak ciom bole?kekekke =P

Anonymous said...

Rina sayang...dah sembuh?..smlm perasan gak so hopefully sekarang dah sembuh betul k :)rest well n be well,amin..take care :)hugs*

Aryna said...

kk - meowwww meowww...kissh kissh..meowww meowww..... :)

sriberry - Alhamdulillah, I'm getting better.... *hugs*