Monday, June 30, 2008

I Am A Seeker.....

All these while, I didn't realize that I am actually a seeker. A seeker of solace.

Attending the Syekh Khalil Moore's short-but-full-of-knowledge lecture, last Saturday, really struck me. His words just stunts the mind. MasyaAllah....

What I learnt from him, in order to cleanse the heart, get rid of these ten detestable traits :-

1. enviousness

2. arrogance

3. hatred

4. backbiting

5. self-promotion

6. finds fault of others

7. finds joy upon knowing the bad news of others and vice-versa

8. hypocrisy

9. difficulty in accepting truth, plunged in own way, debating or arguing on the truth

10.ostentation, pretentious or showy

Can I cleanse my heart of those 10 traits?

And I'm still seeking, ya Allah.....



TheBlurQueen said...

u going for the 3 days workshop? do share k.. *hugs*


Aryna said...

sad to say, I didn't sign up for the workshop. I got Kuliah Hadith every monday nite...

Anonymous said...

what syakh khalil said is just what we have been learning during halaqah... to me its like a revision of halaqah, alhamdulillah .... really really gud ... wish i could attend all his lectures....