Tuesday, September 02, 2008

It's not over

It all started on 9 August, when my mom had her first heart attack till she had her heart bypass surgery. My life is being tested and so far, Alhamdulillah, I've endured.

Only Allah knows what I've been thru all these while.

This Ramadhan, Allah grants HIS "rahmat" to me. HE makes my mom stays with me. Mom decided to follow me home so that I can take good care of her. Though I have my fair share of difficulty looking after her, with my three children and all, I pray that Allah makes it easier on me. InsyaAllah...

This Ramadhan, I do not aim for new set of clothings and shoes. I do not want to think about what cookies or cakes to bake. I do not want to think about what dishes to cook. I do not want to think about the conditions of my house. I even do not want to think about Hari Raya.

This Ramadhan, I truly found out that Aidil Fitri is only for those who has reached "taqwa", while I am so far away from it...

But I am working towards it... Help me, Allah...


Anonymous said...

alhamdulillah she decided to ikot kau balek =)..manfaatkan segala apa yang telah Allah rancangkan untok kau..mudah2an mendapat ganjaran yang berganda dariNya, insyaAllah..

ps : aku pon tak koser nak pikir tang raya..



Aryna said...

kk : Amin....