Monday, November 03, 2008

Pearls Of The Heart

I have learnt that...

* We have to realize that we are in total denial of all of Allah's bounties to us. We choose to be thankful to human, rather to Allah.

* Without realizing, we've done "syirik" in thinking that human is the one who arranges our life in this world.

* While the truth is, "Rabb" is the ONE who arrange EVERYTHING.

* Feel the pain and difficulty when we try to arrange our own life and refuse to submit wholeheartedly to Allah.

* Just to thankful to ALL the bounties that Allah has grants to us.

* And just be thankful if we fell ill, even how critical is the illness, as there's hidden nikmah and rahmah from Allah.

* The heart is the sole cause for all the illness in our body. To have a healthy and clean heart, DO NOT HATE anyone, even to your enemy. Always forgive them and love them for Allah's sake.


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