Monday, April 06, 2009

Yesterday Learnt

"NEVER EVER forget that we have sins in this life. Covering the aurah from head to toe does not make us better that others. Syaitan will always trick us by make us believe that we are one level higher than the rest. Syaitan will always keep on attacking when we make a step closer to Allah. Always remember our past sins to make us humble, to make us remember that we are nothing."

"Make at least 300 Istighfar per day as we live in life full of distractions. Make yourself feel "lower" after each Istighfar."

"If we lose adab and akhlak, we lose Islam. When we have adab with Allah, automatically we have adab towards human."

Sink it in your head and straight to your heart, Rina!!

1 comment:

Ummi's Blog said...

Masya'allah.. Thanks for the reminder sis. I soooo need this right now.