Thursday, May 07, 2009

I've Let Go

I've let go all the unwanted feelings. I feel my burden is lighter and feel so free. I do not wish to keep the negative feelings in my heart. It's all out now.

As I'm typing this, the migraine that started since yesterday night, still exist. My head is throbbing with pain. This morning I have started to sneeze a lot. So I accept that this week is my sick week. My body is clearing out all the negatives eons just like I've cleared all the negative feelings.

Despite the migraine, I will be meeting my two cousins, which I love so dearly, for lunch. I cannot just cancel this appointment as one of my cousins has taken leave from work for this lunch meeting. I do not want to disappoint her as much as I want to meet my cousins also. These two are my closest cousins and we went through a lot together.

My cousin will be bringing her little girl along and everyone knows how much I love babies. Babies are one amazing creature which I just want to hold and kiss them forever. All my three children have grown, but in my heart they are still my babies.

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