Saturday, October 09, 2004


Yesterday was such a FUN!!! I meet with the rest of bloggers for the first time. When I reached Cavana about 2.15 pm, Salina, Mummy Jam, Fiqkir and Kuntum were already there. They were busy arranging the tables. I was too shy to start a conversation, so I just smiled.

After a while, the rest of the gang arrived. There's Shimah, Ainn, Lyana, Zurynee and of course, Phantommomma, Yati and Bulan. Phantommomma brought along her tiny little Nadiyah and Firdaus. Nadiyah, Afiqah and Afrina became friends instantly.

Since this was my first time meeting them, I was rather quiet, I think. Maybe if I meet them again, I can be a little bubbly, I hope. Afiqah really got on my nerves yesterday. She was such a big bully to little Erynn (Ainn's girl). She persistently wanted to hold Erynn's hand. But I think Erynn was scared of her. She made a scene by lying on the floor at Metro and wailing out loud. I was so embarrassed and quickly carried Afiqah out. *Sigh*

Too bad I couldn't stay longer with the rest as I got to send Afrina to her "Ngaji" class in the evening. I really hope I could meet up with them again. A big thanks to Lyana for her efficiency in organizing this "get-together" lunch.

By the way, I brought my digicam along but did not shoot much photos. Too busy with the kids. Just a few here to share....

Affandy and Afiqah waiting for their foods

The "Instant Friends" - Nadiyah and Afiqah

The "Not So Instant" Friends - Firdaus and Affandy

The gorgeous boy, Firdaus!!!

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