Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Just imagine, when seven mommies and thirteen kids met up!

Chaos? Lots of commotion? Disorder?


It was purely fun, enjoyable, entertaining, full of laughter and lots of yak and yak and yak. What else is new?

And it's gonna be much more fun if the rest of the mommies who could not join us today, were there with us. Then we would need much BIGGER makan place to accommodate ALL of us.

This time round, we went to bowl at Safra Yishun, ate at Safra Yishun and SHOPPING at Northpoint. Some of the mommies DID shop, right? Well, at least I DID!

I bought myself a pair of black shoes. Nothing fancy, nothing swanky, just a simple black shoes.

Enough of the shoes, click here to view the photos.


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