Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Nervous + Excited

My second entry for today. I just have to let this out, or I'll go bonkers!

I'm feeling extremely very nervous today. But at the same time, I feel excited too.

InsyaAllah, tonight will be the night I'll attend another totally new class. I do not know who will be in the class and what is being expected from me. But I know I want to be in this class. It's all for knowledge's sake.

Tonight is where my very first Arabic Coaching class commence, InsyaAllah. I really want to learn the language of Al-Quran Nur Kareem, and again Allah has showed me the way. I pray that this class will be beneficial to me. Amin.....

Still nervous....


Anonymous said...

bestnyer rinacute dpt joooiiinnn..bestnyerrr..bestnyerr..masya Allah..the wide path unto rina to seek ilm for Allah's sake...hugs*

Anonymous said...

insyaAllah u'll have so much fun blajar bahasa al Qur'an =)


Anonymous said...

kaifa haluki ya ukhti?


Aryna said...

sriberry : Alhamdulillah... :D


kk : it was indeed FULL of fun!! :D


busu : Alhamdulillah, ana bi khair.... amacam? dah pass? kekekee.....