Monday, September 08, 2008

How Would You Feel?

After lots and lots of du'a, and a sinlge heart to heart conversation, how would you feel....

...when someone took the wudhu...

...when someone put on the praying attire...

...when someone started to pray...

...when someone cried after praying...

...when someone recite the muqaddam after not touching it for such a long time...

It all happened after your unceasing du'a for that someone, with just a small talk.

How would you feel??

This shows that ALLAH listens and and ALLAH grants the du'a.



NoR said...

masya allah, beautiful feeling!


Anonymous said...

subhanallah alhamdulillah Allahu akbar!!


Aryna said...

nor & kk - it is a super wonderful feeling. no words could describe...

manja1978 said...

kak rina, i am waiting for my someone to do the same..i am too waiting for the feeling...i too want that feeling..du'a for me too ya so that my someone will start too..



Aryna said...

Jannah sayang, keep on du'a and du'a and du'a, my dear. Never give up. Du'a is proven to be a very powerful tool. Allah knows best. My prayer is with you....*hugs*